Thursday, August 6, 2009

Content optimization for SEO

Search engines are strategically aligned with the goal of providing the good quality content in their search results; hence they reward well organized and well written content. So, one should focus on writing high quality, engaging content that people will like to read, and that is presented well for the web medium. For developing keyword-driven content, the some of the important considerations are mentioned here:

1. Some keywords tools and technique should be used to identify keyword phrases to be used for each article. These phrases are often best if they're 2, 3, or 4 (or sometimes more) words long as Single keywords tend to be very competitive. On the other hand, "long tail" tends to indicate much more focused searches on the part of the user, so you're likely to be seen by a much more qualified audience.

2. Identify the similar number of secondary phrases that can be used for each article. These secondary phrases will also be used throughout the article, and will allow the article to rank well for terms that are strongly related to, the central theme of the article.

3. Use these keyword phrases throughout the document, but do it in a natural writing style .The basic strategy is simple: if the theme of your article is clear, the keywords should "jump out" of that theme, and should automatically appear in appropriate ways in a well written, themed document

4. The frame of mind to adopt is one of a general awareness of the keyword focus, but to otherwise forget about search engine optimization, and write for your readers only.

5. You can also try alternatively writing your (focused, on topic) article without thinking about keywords explicitly, then analyzing the article again and searching the opportunities to replace or "tune up" phrases to more fully utilize your primary and secondary keyword phrases.

A couple of things that must not be left to chance and must directly address the use of keyword phrases are the article title, first heading, and first paragraph. Specific guidance for these key elements is provided below.

The above guidelines must be used for writing articles that are planned to perform well on particular, pre-selected keyword. But many sites contain large volumes of information in articles that range across a broad cross section of topics. In such cases, your strategic goal should be to create an authorititative body of information that covers a topic area widely. Contact US