1. Having an Internet marketing strategy gives you a strategic way to target your market and position your company or organization so that those looking for what you have to offer can find you online. Many companies are starting to use social networks to go find people who may be interested in what you offer.
2. If you haven't taken time to plan your Internet Marketing Strategy you have made a costly mistake that could be draining to your business and costing you customers.
3. Internet marketing strategies are constantly changing. More competition is always showing up online so you must make sure to optimize your Internet Marketing efforts on a regular basis. You must remain committed to success.
4. People don’t buy from websites, people buy from people.
5. It is a huge advantage online to have multiple channels driving traffic to your website or landing pages. (see #8 and #9)
6. You will have a much higher chance for success if you hire an expert to help put your Internet Marketing strategy in place. Companies that try to “save money” by working with the least expensive provider usually end up spending twice as much in the long run.
7. Achieving success with Internet Marketing can take time. Make sure your expectations line up with the strategy you are putting in place. It is your responsibility to communicate your expectations so that everyone involved has the same focus.
8. Start making short videos about your company and your unique selling propositions.This will help you on the search engines and differentiate you from your competitors.Search engines love videos.
9. Blogs are important. "Blogs were the heart of the story in 2005. But they're just one of the tools millions can use today to lift their voices in electronic communities and create their own media. Social networks like Facebook and MySpace, video sites like YouTube, mini blog engines like Twitter—they've all emerged in the last three years,and all are nourished by users
10. Be sure to integrate your offline media buys with your online marketing efforts. Your marketing efforts should work together towards a common objective or call to action.
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