Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Guidelines for a Successful Link Exchange

There are certain important Guidelines need to keep in mind during making Link Exchange are given below:

1. Sufficient time should be given in order to achieve a correct email address. This will make the possessor of the website realize that you have given time and effort to contact them for a genuine link exchange.

2. Your email must be very clear and to the point and it must include your name at the end of it. This will make aware of the person about your identity.

3. If you are contacting then it’s your responsibility to upload links to your website first. Approaching someone and let them know that they must add your link first is not a good practice.

4. Your URLs should be working. It’s nice to match URLs with the theme of websites.

5. Looks of the websites matters very much, the website must be very good looking. Professionalism is one of the factors that inspire people to have a link with you. A poorly designated website does not attract people.

6. Extra efforts are required to attain a high link for the websites on a search engine. They need you less than you need them, because they have already acquired the position where you wanted to be.

7. If you are not having your own site then does not claim to do so. When you get several mails from many different people claiming that they own the site and you should link now, will just make potential link partners realize that you are not honest.

8. You should list all the sites where you have visited and those where you have successfully linked so that the same mail is not send to the same webmasters again. This does get a little irritating. You should make a note of the company that owns the site. Then when you visit another site with the same company then you will be knowing that you have dealt with them.

9. You should not waste time of people with poorly designed websites, badly written emails or general bad practices. Contact US